
Monday, October 11, 2010

One Query Down...

Is it possible to be sick without being sick? All I know is my lymph nodes are gargantuan and I’m really, really tired. Like, abnormal tired. Ugh.

Anyway, back to writing. I can complain on my other blog.

Sent out one query letter so far, started a second. Discovered I actually have to write a synopsis for some agents. (And others want resumes. Is that extreme? “Hello, from 2006-2007 I worked as a custodian at the dorms of such and such university. Please publish me.”*)

Should work on synopsis, but I can’t think. So mysteriously tired.**

Uh . . . still working on planning for TWS, slowly and surely. Maybe I’ll just call it “Weirs.” Am I allowed to abbreviate a one-word title? Meh, I probably will.

I think the TV show Supernatural is affecting said planning WAY too much.

*Because I obviously don’t have a writer’s resume, unless they give a hoot about my editing and technical writing background, which I imagine they don’t. Besides, I’d include important stuff in the cover letter, wouldn’t I?

**I’m a whiner. Those who know me in real life can attest to this.


  1. Yes, you are a whiner. But I have fun basing my characters off of you.

  2. Supernatural is an awesome show.


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