
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stuff About Dictionaries That Is Far More Interesting to Me Than It Is To You, I'm Sure

Given that my vocabulary isn't as big as I'd like it to be, I signed up for's Word of the Day some time ago. I save the words I think I'll actually use, and I've recently gotten into the habit of sticking one on an electronic post-it note on my computer so I'll actually see it and learn it.

One of my all-time favorite words has been willowwacks, which Microsoft Word doesn't recognize... but I slipped it into TDSF anyway. It just sounds cool. I also recommend bumptious, incommodious, dandle, and just plain signing up for's Word of the Day (it's on the left). Today's word is "fey."*

*A word which, if I see on a back cover, will immediately cause me to put a book back on the shelf. That, and "elf."


  1. I love Dictionary.Com too! I just started playing with Word Dynamo. It's a little addicting...

  2. Those are awesome words. I will have to incorporate them into my vocabulary. I think Shinsuke will enjoy them. :)

  3. I find my problem is my vocabulary is too big, at least for the YA I'm writing. So many perfectly lovely, intelligent words I could use, but CAN'T, because a "plugged" in, fifteen-year-old boy with a learning disability wouldn't ordinarily do so in first person.

  4. oh... for the joy of looking up a word in the dictionary....

  5. I came over from CQG's bloffee to say hello. Today I'm in the mood for some vintage curse words. How about guttersnipe, ninnyhammer, and lickspittle? You could insult someone and confuse the heck out of them at the same time. Ah, the possibilities. This might make a good character quirk.

  6. Ah, the bloffee works! I actually have a flip chart of vintage insults... "Viperous tallow-faced flap-dragon" is on there right now. ;)

  7. Another dictionary you might find a lot of fun is (formerly A Web of Online Dictionaries). It's a compilation of dictionaries and grammars of known languages, but also has specialty dictionaries such as criminology, medical, law, slang, even chocolate :) I get their daily e-word. Today it's sesquipedalian, meaning containing many syllables; a word that's a good example of itself lol. Lots of word games!

  8. Oh thanks, I'll check it out. I like's like a Google for all Web-based dictionaries. :D


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